New Egypt Wants to have Good Relations with Iran

JNN 07 April 2011 CAIRO — Egypt : which has had turbulent relations with Iran for more than three decades, says it is ready to open a “new page” with the Islamic republic, Egyptian media reported Tuesday. Continue reading

Bahrain’s Wahabi Al Khalifa forces Burning Mosques , Desecrating Quran and Banning Media which reports it

JNN 6 April 2011 : Bahraini authorities have banned Al-Wasat, the country’s main opposition newspaper, which has been critical of the government in its coverage of protests quashed last month. Continue reading

Al Khalifa & Ale Saud Forces Abduction, Arrests and terrorizing of Shia Population of Bahrain Continues

JNN 07 April 2011 : The situation in Bahrain is detoriating Day after Day as the Abduction , Un lawful Arrests and Terrorizing of the Peaceful Population of Bahrain continues, while the whole Zionist Control Media is Silent , and Biased over reporting the events , as the Revolution in Bahrain is against the  Interest of the West and especially US ,and they Do not have their Implanted agents in the Opposition, so they can help the revolutionaries and can change the faces while the Policies remain the same of their Interest ,as they are doing in Libya, Yemen, and have already done in Egypt and Tunisia. Continue reading